What Will They Say
After we drop nuclear bombs on Iran the next World War will begin. The result is going to be the economic and de facto destruction of the Constitutional Republic called the United States of America, but not until we the current American people have been complicit in the murder and displacement of millions of innocent people just like in Iraq. What is the world going to say about us when they look back on our generation?
1. Chinese - Those a**holes still owe us money.
2. Russian - Now who won the Cold War b*tch.
3. Iranian Mullahs - Allah Akbar a**holes.
4. French - We put some freedom fries on your grave, after we spit on them.
5. House of Saud - Thank you Prince W.
6. Iraq Sunnis - Good riddance a**holes.
7. Iraq Shiites - Good riddance a**holes.
8. Iraq Kurds - Great, our new Kurdish homeland is radioactive, and now we have to deal with the Turks. Those Turks are a**holes just ask the Armenians.
9. Vietnamese - Some people never learn, especially if they're Imperialist a**holes.
10. Pakistani - Did those a**holes really think we'd stand by and watch the crusaders nuke Muslim nations?
11. Germans - Finally we're no longer #1 in crimes committed against humanity.
12. Christians - We would've won, but God was mad because of all the homosexuals sticking their d*cks into a**holes.
BREAKING: Watch for a helicopter/plane crash or assassination causing the death of Nouri al Maliki. Will they be able to frame Iran? Stay tuned.
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