One Percenters Will Win the Class War!!

In the ongoing effort to help justify the beliefs and lives of all the good Christian Republicans, Reverend Felps has picked out a number of choice biblical quotes he has translated himself from the original Greek for your consideration. The esteemed Reverend is currently working on a new and correct translation of the Holy Bible, which will be called the New Holy American Bible. Have faith my fellow true believers that with God on our side we, the top 1% on the economic ladder (otherwise known as the God blessed), will continue to win the class war. Amen.
Top ten Bible quotes from the New Holy American Bible:
1. "It's easier for a rich man to get into heaven." Matthew 19
2. "Love the things of this world, and be sure to obey those in power." I John 2
3. "The love of money is the root of Capitalism, and Capitalism is exactly what Jesus wants." I Timothy 6
4. "You can serve God and mammon, because mammon is God, so it's not really two masters." Matthew 6
5. "The rich man will never fade away as long as he can afford the best healthcare money can buy." James 1
6. "He who trusts in his riches will live off of dividend payments if he votes Republican." Proverbs 11
7. "The righteous are suckers, F the poor." Proverbs 11
8. "Where your treasure is, there also is your heart, have you seen the new iPhone, there goeth the cool." Luke 12
9. "If you wish to be complete take as much money as you can from the poor and buy yourself a Hummer." Matthew 19
10. "This world is passing away so enjoy all the lusts you can afford to buy while it's still here." I John 2
Every word is God breathed and true, God Surely Blesses you America.
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