To All the Haters

Dear MC Rove,
With your upcoming resignation does this signal that the long national nightmare is almost over?
-Hillary on the shore in New York
If you mean the end of the neo-con Imperialist domination of the Federal government I have two words for you: Lieberman and Iran. If you mean the outright owning of the Federal government by Multi-National Corporations then you haven't been following the money (into your coffers). Otherwise I think there is no nightmare, it could just be your hormones.
Mr. Rove,
Do you think you'll ever have a moment like Lee Atwater did when he was on his death bed and voiced his regret for getting the already mentally gone Raygun elected a second time through dirty tricks?
-Bill from Dallas
No, I'm an agnostic. Life ends, and there's no reason to apologize. I was good at my job and my job was getting dumbass Christians to vote for Corporately-owned Republicans. I used their ingrained bigotry and money handouts to churches to sway them. So what, those idiot Christians get what they deserve. Those stupid jackasses are all marks, I just beat the Dums, er, Dems to them.
I'm a practicing Episcopalian, praise Jesus. Every morning I read a devotional, I'm in good with the big guy above so I'll never need to have a "Lee Atwater moment".
Do what thou wilt is the whole of the law.
Do you think you might ever get back into politics, say as a campaign manager or adviser for a potential candidate on the Republican side for the Presidency? I'll do a pole dance for you.
-Freddy's Trophy Wife
It's a distinct possibility. A candidate who was very telegenic and well connected with the big money from lobbyists just might tempt me back in. You know it's all about the dinars.
Remember when you got all those folks to believe I was a cowboy? That was awesome.
-Bikes in the Crawford House
I know dog, just remember what we talked about, you know the P to the A to the R to the D-O-N. I got your back, just keep saying "executive priveledge".
You liberals can all kiss my lily white ass. And watch for my book coming out close to the next Presidential election. Rove Out.
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