Special Guest Blogger: We Must Not Stop the Bombing.

I'd like to thank Corporate Jesus for the opportunity to write my first blog, and although it took a recent public relations setback to pull Him away, I know He'll be coming back again soon.
It has long been among my many earthly ambitions to be able to get the truth out over these amazing and modern internet tubes, and I plan to use them to spread truth, straight from the Lord's mouth to my ears, right up into your tube as often as possible.
Today I'd like to let all of you inter-netters know that the Lord has been making my spirit move like an F16 flying over a rural Vietnamese village spewing its hot napalm seed everywhere. Amen Lord, I'm filled with your holy spirit today!! Just last night the Lord was telling me that Lezbollah must be completely destroyed before there can be a real sustainable peace where there are no more homosexual urges. You see friends the Lesbians are insidious. They have set up Lezbollah to recruit more and more Lesbians and Lezbolians, and from their neighborhoods in Lesbonon they've been corrupting our children through the public school system, science, equal rights, labor unions, public radio, and even these very internet tubes. They will not rest until there are Lesbians everywhere. So the bombs must continue to drop. Don't worry though, God™ is on our side and I'll promise to do whatever I can to protect the sanctity of the tubes of my fellow inter-netters.
Additionally, for those of you that are concerned, the Lord has spoken to my heart, and He assures me there are no stem cells in Lesbonon.
A Special Message from Corporate Jesus:
Please conduct all business as usual.
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