Corporate Jesus

The Jesus America Worships/America's Jesus

Monday, June 26, 2006

A Mighty Victory for Patriotism


This week the Senate will vote on a Constitutional amendment to ban flag burning. The Supreme Court ruled that such an act was protected under the 1st Amendment in 1989. The wise members of the GOP in the Senate now have enough votes to pass this as an amendment to the Constitution. The amendment was narrowly defeated, in the last election cycle run-up the last time the patriotism of the country was being threatened by peace activists and god™less Bill of Rights literalists, by four votes. The wisdom of the American electorate is on display once again, you see America knows we have too many rights and elected four more GOP members to the Senate in 2004. (Update 6/28/06: Yesterday in the Senate, the flag burning amendment failed to pass, by one vote. This is not a setback, it only means America needs to elect one more patriotic GOP member to the Senate this November.) Check and see who voted for it HERE. Can you find all 14 of the Democrat Senators that are patriots too?

How can we export American freedom quickly if there are too many freedoms or rights to support and perpetuate? Think of the time saved by exporting less rights to the countries we free. In Iraq, for example, no elections would be needed, no individual privacy or ownership rights to be protected, no freedom of religion, only getting rid of the corrupt socialist regime and putting up a powerful leader who believes in free market capitalism and is friendly to Corporate interests would be needed. That's where we need to go, and this is only the beginning.

Corporate Jesus believes we should continue to take rights away from individuals and give them to Corporations. Naturally, wealthy individuals would still be able to afford their rights, as they will be able to donate large sums of money to GOP politicians who will protect them, they also will be able to afford to hire good lawyers and as a matter of last resort they can take their yachts out into international waters or take their private jet into international airspace. In fact, rights for individuals are an archaic remnant of the old paradigm, in this post-9/11 world everything has changed™ and it is high time we got around to changing the Constitution. Remember there were no Corporations among the 9/11 hijackers, only individuals!!

Please continue to conduct all business as usual.

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*Riches currently only for Corporations


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