The Invisible Hand That Waves the Flag

Today is July 4th, Independence Day. Many of you may not know the history that lead up to the founding of our great nation, and I won't burden you with the specifics because, let's face it, in the marketplace of ideas, history is only slightly less boring than mathematics or science. We, as American citizens and Corporations, have the right to individual freedom, and that includes freedom from monotony. Real freedom is never having to read the Bill of Rights, what a snoozer!
Our forefathers founded this great nation so that Corporations could be from unrepresented from unnecessary to conquer sovereign nations in order to eliminate import from labor standards that cut into executive to own 39% of the media in any given to buy politicians and write our own to let the markets self-regulate. We hold these truths to be self-evident.
Its been a long hard fight and things haven't always gone our way, but today things could hardly be better for Corporations in America.
So when you look down and see that MADE IN CHINA sticker on the flag you're waving at today's parade, remember all those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms and know in your heart they are looking down at you from Heaven with a joyful tear in their eye.
They may be in Heaven, but they're still Americans.
Please continue to conduct all business as usual.
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*Riches currently only for Corporations
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