Take the SAT

Yes or No answers only!!
1. Are you independently wealthy or does your family have money?
2. Are you white or do you look white?
3. Do people think you're heterosexual?
4. Do you act like you adhere to the tenets of the christian religion?
5. Do you believe laws only apply to the poor and lower classes?
6. Are you able to say one thing but then do exactly the opposite?
7. Will you do anything for money?
8. Are you good at deflecting questions about your integrity?
9. Do you believe in exploiting the poor for the gain of the few at the top?
10. Do you like golf?
11. Do you believe in slavery in foreign lands designated as protectorates?
12. Do you believe in forced prostitution in foreign lands designated as protectorates?
13. Do you believe in forced abortion in foreign lands designated as protectorates?
14. Do you believe riches should go to Corporations that donate to your campaign?
15. Are you adept at creating legistlative loopholes?
16. Do you believe Corporations have the right to pollute the land and air, and poison the populace?
17. Do you believe in torture?
18. Do you believe lying to the Public is in their best interest?
19. Will you send other people's children to die in order to protect the property of the ruling class?
20. Do you believe the interests of Corporations are more important than the interests of the public?
Republicans: If you answered "No" to any of these questions you failed.
Democrats: If you answered "No" to any of these questions (except Question #2) you failed.
Please continue to conduct all business as usual.
The Bob outrage continues here!!
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*Riches currently only for Corporations