Manliness is next to Godliness

Supporting Corporate Jesus is easy!! Here are five simple suggestions:
1. Watch and believe Corporate owned Media and the messages it promotes. The pursuit of knowledge and truth is not an American value. Be a patriot!!
2. Buy products sold by Corporations that advertise in the Corporate owned Media. Support your local Corporate owned mega store, buy all your goods there. Be a hero!!
3. Don't Vote. Voting doesn't do anything, if you want to change the world start a Corporation and donate money to politicians. Be a visionary!!
4. If you do vote, vote for the incumbent, especially if the incumbent is a Republican. There is nothing more manly than a Republican, except a Republican with a big gun, or fighter jet, or tactical nuclear arsenal. Be a man's man!!
5. If you don't vote Republican, vote Democrat. For the most part Corporations can rely on them too. Support Corporate Jesus, and above all DO NOT view or forward these images!!
Please conduct all business as usual.
Check out the iPlant. Link Here!!
Get Corporate Forgiveness Here!!
Get Individual Forgiveness Here!!
Corporate Jesus Shirt and Mini Button!!
*Riches currently only for Corporations