Corporate Jesus

The Jesus America Worships/America's Jesus

Friday, August 29, 2008

Breaking -- McCain Announces Running Mate!!


Please continue to conduct all business as usual.

Get Riches* Here!!

Get Corporate Forgiveness Here!!

Get Individual Forgiveness Here!!

Corporate Jesus T-Shirt and Mini Button!!

*Riches currently only for Corporations

Monday, August 25, 2008

The Great Variety

1900 - R
1904 - R
1908 - R
1912 - D
1916 - D
1920 - R
1924 - R
1928 - R
1932 - R
1936 - D
1940 - D
1944 - D
1948 - D
1952 - R
1956 - R
1960 - D
1964 - D
1968 - R
1972 - R
1976 - D
1980 - R
1984 - R
1988 - R
1992 - D
1996 - D
2000 - R
2004 - R
2008 - ??

Real change cannot be counted on from the Democrats.

They all $erve the $ame ma$ter$.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Where Are They Now?

tony snow's hellspace page

Please continue to conduct all business as usual.

Get Riches* Here!!

Get Corporate Forgiveness Here!!

Get Individual Forgiveness Here!!

Corporate Jesus T-Shirt and Mini Button!!

*Riches currently only for Corporations

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Don't Hope for Change

For the Record.
We are a Lie.