Corporate Jesus

The Jesus America Worships/America's Jesus

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Pre-emptive Polar Strike Needed!!

Bearsama Bear

Partial transcript of translated message from Bearsama Bear:

...American Imperialist Fascists, your exploitation of the riches of the earth is causing the deaths of my brothers and the destruction of our traditional lands. For what I ask would you destroy the very cradle of life? Capital? Money and commerce? Idiot leaders and religious confidence men? You will not be able to eat your money when the earth becomes barren and the seas overtake your cities. Woe unto you and your kin.
Even your own scientists have revealed that your behaviors already will cause the extinction of me and my kind in the short span of 23 years yet you persist unabated. We have watched you soil the skies for more than a century. It is for this reason that I, Bearsama Bear, am issuing all Americans a dire warning. We, the Polar Bears of the Arctic have called upon the great mother Earth to vengefully visit destruction upon you and your children in our name. If you do not change your ways immediately the destruction of all humanity will be your own doing. Already we know we are lost, we are the last generation of Polar Bears to see the ice, the last to live off the land and grow old, but we take comfort in the knowledge your time will come soon too...

Please continue to conduct all business as usual.

Get Riches* Here!!

Get Corporate Forgiveness Here!!

Get Individual Forgiveness Here!!

Corporate Jesus T-Shirt and Mini Button!!

*Riches currently only for Corporations

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Police State Shows Itself

This is only the beginning.
Will you sit back and cheer them too?
Of course you will. You already gave up your rights without a fuss.

Roll Call for the failed vote to restore Habeas Corpus.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Countdown to Extinction

united we drown

Isn't this a nice link?

Please continue to conduct all business as usual.

Get Riches* Here!!

Get Corporate Forgiveness Here!!

Get Individual Forgiveness Here!!

Corporate Jesus T-Shirt and Mini Button!!

*Riches currently only for Corporations

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Secret Society of Blue Cats

Secret Society of Blue Cats shirts

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

The Sale Begins Tonight

Monday, September 03, 2007

Not the Only One Watching

Read This.