Corporate Jesus

The Jesus America Worships/America's Jesus

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Resolutions for the New Year

1. Continue to create a CEO/aristocrat class, while simultaneously destroying the middle class.
2. Buy a few more Dems.
3. Continue to support policies that take rights away from individuals and give them to Corporations.
4. Buy all remaining media outlets that are not Corporately owned.
5. Send local poor people to kill foreign poor people in countries that have valuable natural resources for as long as it remains profitable.
6. Tell Dad to stop talking to Pat Robertson.
7. Visit Ken Lay in Dubai.
8. Begin marketing Presidential pardons.
9. See polar bears before they're all gone.
10. Find Oprah a man!!

Please continue to conduct all business as usual.

Get Riches* Here!!

Get Corporate Forgiveness Here!!

Get Individual Forgiveness Here!!

Corporate Jesus T-Shirt and Mini Button!!

*Riches currently only for Corporations


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