This time of year always gets very busy for me, so I thought I'd take this time to reflect on the last year and give thanks for:
The rich getting richer.CEO pay 750x higher than the average worker.Record breaking profits for Oil companies.Record profits for the Health Insurance Industry.Record profits for Big Pharma.Unions on the decline, obsolete to the majority of workers.Populace in debt but still spending.New bankruptcy laws for individuals, Corporations still get a handout from the government.The wholesale jettisoning of the responsibility for promised pension funds by Corporations.Further consolidation of Big Media.Further deregulation of industries that pollute and poison the air, water, and populace.Corporately-owned Republicans and Democrats continue to run the Federal government.Coming financial boom for weapons sales for war with Iran.Illegal wage workers getting scapegoated for the race to the bottom of the wage scale.Reactionary xenophobes who take out their anger over being forced out of the American dream on those lower on the social scale, rather than looking up at the CEO class.The American Enterprise Institute, The Heritage Foundation, The Hoover Institute, The CATO Institute, The Competitive Enterprise Institute.Pro-Life Capitalist warmongers.Koch Industries.Joe Lieberman.Please continue to conduct all business as usual.
Get Riches* Here!!
Get Corporate Forgiveness Here!!
Get Individual Forgiveness Here!!
Corporate Jesus T-Shirt and Mini Button!!
*Riches currently only for Corporations
Now I feel like such a creep. All I am thankful for is wi-fi.
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