Corporate Jesus

The Jesus America Worships/America's Jesus

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Some of My Favorite Things

I love that most all Americans believe that they can become anything they want if they work hard enough for it. Thing is if you were born in poverty, it's a 95% certainty you'll die in poverty and your children will too. The rich always get richer and when no one enforces the rules white collar banditry is basically legal. It comes down to paying off the right people. And Incorporation. I love Corporate Personhood. Don't know what that is? Good. You can steal, poison, deceive, defraud, and otherwise exploit anyone you can when you're a Corporation. But you have to cut the politicians in. No exceptions. And you must also cut in Corporate Jesus. He's here to help you pay for your sins, to help you let go of your guilt. Corporations have personhood, and thus they have souls. Multiple souls. Your shares of stock are shares of your soul that are claimed by the Corporation. God chose you and your Corporation to receive His gifts, not only in Heaven, but now on the Earth too. He didn't chose those brown skinned immigrants you pay to mow your lawn. He didn't chose those foreign tongued Allah worshiping towel heads we drop bombs on. He chose you because you're better and more worthy than everyone else.

I love that the social safety nets have been removed in favor of draconian laws, privatized prisons and privatized police forces. Now Corporations with interconnected Boards have the opportunity to use the mass media to push the populace to demand more safety from the latest scapegoat threat, meaning we need more police and a lot more prisons. This is going to be the new gold rush, it's going to be just as good as the Military-Industrial-Media Complex, or credit cards and payday loans. The boomer generation are all scared, ignorant, easily manipulated little children, they have been all their lives. Then there was the "greatest" generation. Saved the world from fascism didn't they? They all call out for a totalitarian police state, they plead for the government to take their freedoms so they can be safe. No one says anything about the way the government is spying on all of the people. No one except PBS, who much of the country doesn't even watch or receive freely on their airwaves. If you haven't seen it on the TV news then it hasn't been seen by America. It's there to be known if you want to see it. But why would you. The graphics aren't as flashy, you won't be able to understand it in 20 seconds, and you probably won't get a good look at any boobies. Besides, to know that the citizenry has given up their freedoms for the promise of safety is to only catch a glimpse of truth. I also love that no one says monopoly anymore. Can you go a day without paying or owning money to a Corporation? No you can't. Corporations and the government have already combined. Mix in some religion and now we can start multiple pre-emptive wars. There is a name for this kind of government.

I love that the people believe this country is a shining light in a dark world. The belief that our intentions are always good. That's a good one. Without that widespread belief we couldn't exploit all those foreign workers and steal the resources from the lands they live in. With the unsaid approval of the ignorant and compliant populace we do it all. Those dirt worshiping savages need us to come and save them from their ignorance, or at least bomb them out of their misguided socialism. How could we pollute and plunder like we do if America didn't believe it were such a good place. Truth is we've been Imperial Capitalists bent on dominating the planet since the 1890's. There was a little push back during the Great Depression, but we've been rolling like gangbusters since 1947. Generation after generation of lies built upon lies. How many countries have we destabilized? How many people have been killed in our name? And now we're almost completely finished transforming into a fascist nation. What? No! It couldn't happen here. Are you sure? Completely sure? A shining light indeed. It's a surefire big money maker though.

I love the future of this country. Of course the real face of fascism will really come into focus after a few more catastrophic climate events. What are you going to do with a populace that has to turn to criminal behavior to feed themselves? Well you're going to have to put them into a prison. You have to enforce the rule of law, at least for the very poorest among us anyway. You're going to have to put them into a prison built by a private Corporation that gets big money contracts from the government that is run by Republicans and Democrats, and in turn the Corporation contributes enough money to those Republicans and Democrats to pay to another Corporation for mass media advertising and favoritism in order to stay in power so that they can all continue to enrich themselves. It's a beautiful con. And that's okay, because God blesses the chosen with riches. Like Mitt Romney. Bless him and the planet he'll be ruling in the afterlife. Bless Hillary Clinton. Bless Sam Brownback. Bless Joe Lieberman. Bless them all. In truth the climate is going to be changing rapidly and the actions we take now will really have little to no effect on the immediate future. There were opportunities to change in the past, but the warnings were ignored in favor of religious zealotry and money. The amount of pollutants that have already been pumped into the atmosphere are doing things that were not supposed to happen for decades. So the rich really will be the chosen when drinking water costs $10 a quart. They will be the most "fit" for survival. We know you don't understand, just keep watching TV and going into debt. We'll be busy getting rich off your laziness and ignorance. I love this country. And this country loves me.

Is your Congressional Representative one of the 20 most corrupt?
Find Out Here.

P.S. We're all Harry.

Please continue to conduct all business as usual.

Get Riches* Here!!

Get Corporate Forgiveness Here!!

Get Individual Forgiveness Here!!

Corporate Jesus T-Shirt and Mini Button!!

*Riches currently only for Corporations


At 7:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That board linking website is the shizit. Now I know I can drop a message to Halliburton via my companies CEO and the same day my CEO can get me a discount at Home Depot.

At 4:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Blog Author,

I have tried to offer your link on the website under such topics as globelization,corporate greed, etc. The moderator bumps my post.Why do you suppose this is?

At 7:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

can't Coca-Cola just bottle that melting icecap water, mix in some high fructose corn syrup & sell that in the ghetto?

At 9:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if Cindy Sheehan read these posts before stepping down.


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