MLK Facts

1. In 1964 MLK was the youngest man to win the Nobel Peace Prize. He was 35 years old at the time.
2. The Federal Government spied on him and other black nationalist activists, like Elijah Muhammed and Malcolm X. The FBI infiltrated their organizations.
3. J. Edgar "doyoulikemydress" Hoover sought to "neutralize" MLK and the Southern Christian Leadership.
4. The FBI sent MLK a letter urging him to commit suicide. MLK had been having an affair and his phone was tapped, the FBI threatened to discredit him publicly.
5. MLK was shot dead by James Earl Ray on April 4, 1968. Two days later race riots broke out in 100 US cities and continued until April 14 1968. James Earl Ray later recanted his confession and said he was only a minor player in a conspiracy.
Link to MLK's anti Vietnam War speech.
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